About Ethylene
University researcher’s findings imply that there is no ‘safe’ level of ethylene that does not cause a deleterious effect on postharvest life. If 5 parts per billion (PPB) is assumed to be the lowest possible ethylene concentration that can be achieved in a postharvest situation, then holding any non-climacteric fruit and vegetable in 5 PPB ethylene will generate 100% of its possible postharvest life. The percentage loss in postharvest life at any higher ethylene concentration can then be calculated from the regression equations. The produce examined in will et al. (1999) ranged from 25 to 46 postharvest life was lost.
Although produce commodities may only spend a small proportion of their postharvest life in each marketing situation, the effects of elevated ethylene levels are cumulative. The end result of successive levels of moderate ethylene throughout marketing can be a very short shelf-life in the hands of the consumer.
The industry should be seeking to minimize the impact of ethylene on produce at all stages of the marketing chain. The extended market life that would arise from a reduction in ethylene level during marketing can lead to consumers having greater confidence in the purchase of fruit and vegetables with a resultant increase in sales volume and/or price.
What is Ethylene Gas? Ethylene gas is the ripening agent which occurs naturally in nature. It causes fruits to ripen & decay, vegetables & floral to wilt. Controlling ethylene gas after picking will extend the life cycle of your commodity – allowing them to be held for a much longer period of time. While refrigeration & humidity slow decay, they don’t halt the production of harmful ethylene gas.
Ethylene gas is also used in ripening rooms to color fruit which is then is moved to a regular cold storage room with other produce. Some fruits gassed with ethylene are bananas, tomatoes and avocados. The ethylene gas turns bananas yellow, tomatoes red and avocados become soft and ready to eat. Ethylene Control products are used to help slow down the natural decay process. Ethylene gas and its removal are both important in giving the consumer the best possible product.
The Effects of Ethylene Gas: You’ve seen the effects of ethylene gas damage many times: decay (fresh produce and flower bulbs); russet spotting (leafy vegetables and eggplants); yellowing (cucumbers, broccoli and Brussel sprouts); odor (garlic and onions); wilting (vegetables and cut flowers); scald and loss of crunch (apples); and rind breakdown (citrus). Control ethylene gas levels and you preserve freshness.
What Does Ethylene Control Do? Ethylene Control products take ethylene gas out of the air to slow down the natural decay process of fruits, vegetables and floral. The power pellets can also remove odors.
Independent Research Supports Ethylene Control’s Claims: After an independent study in 1997 at the University of California Davis, research reported that the removal of ethylene gas is “critical to prevent concentrations that exceed the threshold for ethylene injury.” Ethylene control is an essential link in the cold chain. As markets expand across the country and around the world, preserving freshness is one of our biggest challenges. While refrigeration and humidity slow decay, they don’t halt the production of harmful ethylene gas. Ethylene Control products can be used during port-harvest handling of fruit, vegetables and floral commodities. Use Ethylene Control for shipments by truck or sea container, in distribution centers, restaurants, and floral reach-ins.
How Safe Are Ethylene Control Products: Ethylene Control power pellets oxidize the ethylene gas with nascent oxygen (nascent oxygen is a type of oxygen that oxidizes ethylene gas and odors), converting the pellets into an organic fertilizer. Unlike most other products on the market there are NO disposal problems with patented power pellets. The material and ink used in manufacturing Ethylene Control sachets is approved by the FDA.